
Friday, 23 February 2018

Winter Olympics

LI: to use our searching skills and using our prior knowledge

Today we made a poster about the Winter Olympics. We had to use our searching skills, attribution skills, and our poster designs. We had to use all the things we learned. Mr O put us in to groups of four. Mr Ogilvie told us questions and we had to search them up. We had to look for images and information, but when we were looking for images we had to attribute them. We also had to make the presentation look great. We all had something to do so none was left out. 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Creative work attribution

L.I  to  attribute creative work to the owner.

attribution: is giving credit to the person how made the piece of work

why we attribute because he owner  might think we stole his work. and to let  people know how made the work.